# Vue3 API 源码解析

# Vue3源码目录结构

  • vue
    • @vue/runtime-dom
  • @vue/runtime-dom:运行时,支持把render函数反应到dom上
    • createApp、模板上一切api或组件:v-model、v-show、Transition组件(源码解析)
    • @vue/runtime-core
  • @vue/runtime-core(核心)
    • composition api
      • @vue/reactivity(ref、reactive等)。(源码解析)
      • apiLifecycle.ts(onMounted等)。主要依赖injectHooks实现
      • apiWatch.ts(watchEffect、watch)。(源码解析)
      • apiInject.ts(provide、inject)。(源码解析)
    • scheduler.ts(nextTick)。vue3源码中使用Promise.resolve()进行下次的微任务执行。
    • Teleport、Suspense等组件
  • @vue/server-renderer: ssr
  • @vue/share: 记录一些共享的配置
  • @vue/template-explorer: 实时查看vue3 template模板编译为render函数的网站 (opens new window)。核心代码: Vue.compile(source)
  • @vue/compiler-dom: 编译时,支持把template模板代码,编译为render函数
    • @vue/compiler-core
  • @vue/compiler-core: compiler核心实现,涉及到template -> baseParse(parse.ts) -> ast -> generate(codegen.ts)

# 1. createApp

# api 使用

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'


# 源码解析

  1. 确定template -> 2. 执行mount,即vnode(patch) -> diff -> dom流程
// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/blob/master/packages/runtime-dom/src/index.ts#L53
export const createApp = ((...args) => {
  const app = ensureRenderer().createApp(...args)

  const { mount } = app
  app.mount = (containerOrSelector: Element | string): any => {
    const container = normalizeContainer(containerOrSelector)
    if (!container) return

    // 确定template
    const component = app._component
    if (!isFunction(component) && !component.render && !component.template) {
      component.template = container.innerHTML
    // clear content before mounting
    container.innerHTML = ''

    // 执行mount,即vnode(patch) -> diff -> dom流程
    const proxy = mount(container)
    container.setAttribute('data-v-app', '')
    return proxy

  return app
}) as CreateAppFunction<Element>

# 2. watchEffect、watch

# api 使用


watch api 跟vue2.x中的watch api类似,需要监听某个响应式对象的变化,并给出currentValue/preValue。但在vue3中响应式对象又分为ref和reactive对象。难以区分第一个参数到底怎么传?告诉一个法则即可:(源码里都会处理为返回getter函数,源码解析在后面)

  • ref/reactive完整对象直接使用
  • reactive.xxx对象使用函数包装
let refNum = ref(0)
let state = reactive({ name: 'leo', age: 19 })
console.log(isRef(state.name)) // false
console.log(isRef(refNum)) // true
const onBtnClick=() => {
    refNum.value += 1
    state.name += '1'

// 简易watch:副作用函数
watchEffect(() => {
    console.log(state.name) // leo

// 侦听器的数据源可以是一个拥有返回值的 getter 函数,也可以是 ref
watch(() => refNum.value, (val, preVal) => {
    console.log('changed refNum', val, preVal)
watch(refNum, (val, preVal) => { // 第一个参数为ref对象时,会自动转为上面getter函数
    console.log('changed refNum by ref', val, preVal)
watch(() => state.name, (val, preVal) => { // 对于reactive.xxx对象,这里一定要是getter函数
    console.log('changed name', val, preVal)
watch(state, (val, preVal) => {
    console.log(val===preVal) // true // 对于reactive对象(引用对象),此时val和preValue是相同的
// 也可以是一个数组
watch([refNum, () => state.name], ([numValue, nameValue], [numPreValue, preNameValue]) => { // 数组
    console.log(numValue, numPreValue, nameValue, preNameValue)

# 源码解析

watchEffect和watch api底层都调用doWatch函数。可以看下定义的TypeScript类型 WatchSource,从这就能看出我们的api方式是支持3种的。


// https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/blob/master/packages/runtime-core/src/apiWatch.ts#:L75
export function watchEffect(effect: WatchEffect, options?: WatchOptionsBase): WatchStopHandle {
  return doWatch(effect, null, options) // effect为副作用函数。doWatch是核心

// WatchSource类型,只支持ref对象/computedRef对象/函数对象(reactive方式)
export type WatchSource<T = any> = Ref<T> | ComputedRef<T> | (() => T)
export function watch<T = any>(source: WatchSource<T> | WatchSource<T>[], cb: WatchCallback<T>, options?:WatchOptions): WatchStopHandle {
  return doWatch(source, cb, options)

看下doWatch实现。本质上watch意义就是,当依赖的响应式对象值改变时,执行callback函数。(effect作用就是把响应式数据 与 callback函数绑定在一起)


// effect作用 = getter(响应式数据) + callback连接
const runner = effect(getter, {
    lazy: true,
    scheduler // 存放callback,当getter内的响应式数据值变化时,执行scheduler(也即执行callback)
oldValue = runner()

watch api核心流程:

  1. getter函数中,return返回响应式对象。(第一个参数的意义)
  2. 当响应式对象值变化时执行scheduler函数
  3. scheduler中确定了job执行时机
  4. job中执行cb回调函数
// 核心:当source内的响应式对象变化时,cb执行。依赖收集的核心在effect函数中
function doWatch(source: WatchSource | WatchSource[] | WatchEffect,
  cb: WatchCallback | null,
  { immediate, deep, flush, onTrack, onTrigger }: WatchOptions = EMPTY_OBJ,
  instance = currentInstance
): WatchStopHandle {

  // 1. 第一个参数处理,拿到getter函数:() => 响应式数据
  let getter: () => any
  if (isRef(source)) {
    getter = () => source.value // 1.1 watch api: ref处理
  } else if (isReactive(source)) {
    getter = () => source // 1.2 watch api:reactive处理
    deep = true
  } else if (isArray(source)) { // 1.3 watch api:数组处理
    getter = () =>
      source.map(s => {
        if (isRef(s)) {
          return s.value
        } else if (isReactive(s)) {
          return traverse(s)
        } else if (isFunction(s)) {
          return callWithErrorHandling(s, instance, ErrorCodes.WATCH_GETTER)
        } else {
          __DEV__ && warnInvalidSource(s)
  } else if (isFunction(source)) { // 函数处理
    if (cb) {
      // 1.4 watch api:() => reactive.xxx处理
      getter = () =>
        callWithErrorHandling(source, instance, ErrorCodes.WATCH_GETTER)
    } else {
      // watchEffect api: getter直接执行。 此时source == effect函数
      getter = () => {
        if (instance && instance.isUnmounted) {
        if (cleanup) {
        return callWithErrorHandling(
          source, // 直接执行effect函数:effect函数中有响应式对象,执行时会对响应式对象依赖收集
  } else {
    getter = NOOP

  // 2. 当依赖的getter变化时,job就会执行(job 基本等同 callback)
  const job = () => {
    if (cb) {
      // 2.1 watch(source, cb) api
      const newValue = runner()
      // hasChanged: 只有value变化时,cb才执行
      if (deep || hasChanged(newValue, oldValue)) {
        // 执行cb回调
        callWithAsyncErrorHandling(cb, instance, ErrorCodes.WATCH_CALLBACK, [
          oldValue === INITIAL_WATCHER_VALUE ? undefined : oldValue,
        oldValue = newValue
    } else {
      // 2.2 watchEffect api
  scheduler = job // 源码有调度机制,这里简化了

  const runner = effect(getter, {
    lazy: true,
    scheduler // 简单理解:scheduler == job == cb
  oldValue = runner() // runner执行 = getter()拿到响应式数据oldValue + 把getter中的响应式数据与cb关联

# 3. computed

# api 使用

// ref
const count = ref(1)
const plusOne = computed(() => count.value + 1) //  2
count.value += 1

// 支持get/set方式
const plusOne = computed({
  get: () => count.value + 1,
  set: (val) => {
    count.value = val - 1

// reactive computed
const state = reactive({ count: 1})
const plus = computed(() => state.count + 1) // 2
state.count += 1

# 源码解析


所以computed api接受一个getter函数,并且可以返回新的响应式数据。关于computed api设计思想,推荐官方computed教程 (opens new window)


export function computed<T>(
  getterOrOptions: ComputedGetter<T> | WritableComputedOptions<T>
) {
  // 1. 第一个参数,支持function和object(get/set)两种api。最终还是要拿到getter函数
  let getter: ComputedGetter<T>
  let setter: ComputedSetter<T>

  if (isFunction(getterOrOptions)) {
    getter = getterOrOptions
    setter =  NOOP
  } else {
    getter = getterOrOptions.get
    setter = getterOrOptions.set

  let dirty = true
  let value: T
  let computed: ComputedRef<T>

  // 2. effect:连接 响应式数据 + callback
  const runner = effect(getter, {
    lazy: true,
    scheduler: () => {
      if (!dirty) {
        dirty = true
        trigger(computed, TriggerOpTypes.SET, 'value')

  // 3. 返回computed响应式对象
  computed = {
    __v_isRef: true,
    // expose effect so computed can be stopped
    effect: runner,
    get value() {
      // 3.1 当用到computed值时,实时计算runner()值
      if (dirty) {
        value = runner()
        dirty = false
      // 3.2 对computed依赖收集
      track(computed, TrackOpTypes.GET, 'value')
      return value
    set value(newValue: T) {
  } as any
  return computed

computed和watch api,第一个参数都是传入getter函数,本质上是因为底层effect需要对getter里的响应式对象依赖收集。

# 4. provide/inject

# api 使用

const StoreSymbol = Symbol()

provide(StoreSymbol, value) // provide:对外提供value值

const store = inject(StoreSymbol) // inject:获得key对应的value值

# 源码解析

provide api 等同于在全局hash存储key/value,inject api就是根据从key中拿到value值

export function provide<T>(key: InjectionKey<T> | string, value: T) {
    let provides = currentInstance.provides

    const parentProvides =
      currentInstance.parent && currentInstance.parent.provides
    if (parentProvides === provides) {
      provides = currentInstance.provides = Object.create(parentProvides)
    // TS doesn't allow symbol as index type
    provides[key as string] = value

export function inject(
  key: InjectionKey<any> | string,
  defaultValue?: unknown
) {
  // fallback to `currentRenderingInstance` so that this can be called in
  // a functional component
  const instance = currentInstance || currentRenderingInstance
  if (instance) {
    const provides = instance.provides
    if (key in provides) {
      // TS doesn't allow symbol as index type
      return provides[key as string]
    } else if (arguments.length > 1) {
      return defaultValue

# nextTick

# createRenderer


// @vue/runtime-core
// 使用: const {render, createApp} = createRenderer(options)

export function createRenderer<
  HostNode extends object = any,
  HostElement extends HostNode = any
  options: RendererOptions<HostNode, HostElement>
): {
  render: RootRenderFunction<HostNode, HostElement>
  createApp: () => App<HostElement>
} {
  // 新老vnode对比patch(diff)
  const render: RootRenderFunction<
    HostElement & {
      _vnode: HostVNode | null
  > = (vnode, container) => {
    if (vnode == null) {
      if (container._vnode) {
        unmount(container._vnode, null, null, true)
    } else {
      patch(container._vnode || null, vnode, container)
    container._vnode = vnode

  return {
    createApp: createAppAPI(render) // 最终对外使用的函数对象